25 Division Ave., South, Suite 500
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
(616) 682-7000



My Quest

There was a time when I believed that the best way to resolve a dispute was to take it to court. But after 35+ years as a magistrate, trial lawyer, arbitrator and mediator, I no longer feel that way.

Trial lawyers learn a lot about human nature. Over the years, I have seen the financial and relational devastation which follows when disagreements end up in court. With every case, I became more convinced there had to be a better way to settle disputes.

So I put my research skills to work. My first goal was to offer clients a greater return on their legal investment by decreasing costs, both financial and emotional. I also wanted a more efficient and predictable alternative to trials so appeals and more rounds of litigation would not be necessary; in short, one that works. On a more personal level, I sought a way to use my talents and skills positively to promote peace.

My research paid off. The answer was mediation.

As Old As Water...

The practice of mediation has been around in one form or another since the beginning of recorded history. It is mentioned in the Bible, “Blessed are the peacemakers”. It is rooted in the ancient custom of allowing people with disagreements to sit in a circle and peacefully resolve their dispute under the wise guidance of a tribal elder.

Today, even people unfamiliar with our justice system know something about delays due to crowded court dockets and the expense of a trial. So it’s no surprise mediation is staging a comeback. And because it’s a completely private and confidential process which can work in almost any type of dispute, a growing number of individuals and businesses are experiencing its value first hand.

My Mission…

My mission is to promote peace through mediation.

Free Consultation…

Please call me to discuss any dispute. Together, and at no charge, we will explore the mediation option to see if the dispute can be resolved in this new-old-fashioned way. If you like, I will even contact the other side to see if they will agree to mediate.

What’s New?

I am past President of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the State Bar of Michigan and actively involved in many mediation initiatives throughout Michigan, serving on numerous boards and task forces. I have taken thousands of hours of advanced training and also spent thousands of hours mediating with  hundreds of people. (Click here to see a complete list included in my CV.)  I would be happy to put my training and experience to work for you.  Just click or call (616) 682-7000.

(616) 682-7000

25 Division Ave., South
Suite 500
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

© 2025 The Peace Talks. All Rights Reserved